Marisa Mazria Katz

Journalist, Producer, Editor

I’m a journalist focused on art and politics. I report on stories around the world and support artists in publishing award-winning stories in The New Yorker, The Atlantic, and more 

Select Press

What others have said about my work

Artists can help us see around corners … they can help us interrogate the world we live in. I think artists really have an ability to help the culture at large gain a better understanding of the relationship of society and issues we face.

New York Times

Artists, when they work, delve really deeply into issues, so we thought, ‘Why not create a platform that kind provides a face for those ideas and perspectives to be shared with a broad public?’

Columbia Journalism Review

...her conversations with artists reveal a sensitivity to how a work of art can carry the complexity of an individual’s experience, especially by quietly illuminating that which is usually hidden from view.

New York Review of Books

Select Work

Some of my most impactful projects

Rhode Island School of Design

Debates in AI

This past April, I worked with fellow RISD professors Daniel Lefcourt and Marco Roso (co-founder of DIS) to put together a two-day symposium called “Debates in AI.” We had speakers fly in from around the world to debate how the technology will impact culture and arts education.


Harold Cohen at the Whitney

At the Whitney Museum right now is one of the best exhibitions on artificial intelligence and art. I covered it for Monocle on Culture.


Codex Sassoon

One of the world’s oldest Hebrew Bibles went up for auction. I told the story about it for NPR.

American Friends Service Committee

Mosaic: A Radio Documentary Across Palestine

A radio documentary series for the American Friends Service Committee from Jerusalem, Ramallah and Haifa.

Center for Artistic Inquiry and Reporting

Center for Artistic Inquiry and Reporting

I recently co-founded the Center for Artistic Inquiry and Reporting. The organization’s vision is to deepen and expand support for artists reimagining investigative journalism.


Madison Square Park welcomes a gleaming golden giant by an artist known for miniatures

For WNYC and Gothamist I reported on a new visitor in Madison Square Park. She’s gleaming, golden, 18 feet high, and made by the artist Shahzia Sikander.

T Magazine


I had an opportunity to spend time with Sheida Soleimani, an artist and wildlife rehabilitator living in Providence, Rhode Island, for T Magazine. Her work speaks to so many important issues happening in the Middle East and beyond.

New York Review of Books

Calling Grandma

This is a deeply personal story about love, struggle, precarity, Mizrahi life in America and survival.

Architectural Digest

Saving Venice with Tech

Because of rising sea levels, Venice could be uninhabitable by the end of this century. For Architectural Digest, I wrote about an effort to gird Venice for an inevitable climate change transformation from a consortium of organizations, which includes the ARCHiVe center, Factum Foundation, Fondazione Giorgio Cini and EPFL.

Creative Time

Artists on the News

This is a book of work made by artists who contributed to Creative Time Reports. Featured voices in the book include Ai Weiwei, Molly Crabapple, Boots Riley and David Byrne.

New York Review of Books

Between Hospitality and Hostility

I interviewed the artist Michael Rakowitz (one of my favorites) for the New York Review of Books.

Wall Street Journal

Afghanistan’s Buried Treasure

Archaeologists are racing to save Afghanistan’s cultural heritage before the Chinese start digging on one of the world’s most valuable new copper mines.